Friday 19 September 2014

Malaysia Institute for Nuclear Technology (MINT)

Testing Group : Malaysia Institute for Nuclear Technology Research

Purpose of Testing : Evaluate capability of Diamond Health Water System in filtering radioactive water

Method of Test : Both tap water with and without radiative elements added were filtered through the Diamond Health Water System. Measurements were done before and after the process. The readings for the four water samples are shown in the table :
1. Tap water - Unfiltered (α=0.08)
2. Tap water - filtered (α=0.04)
3. Tap water with radioactive - unfiltered (α=6.78)
(Level of pollution was about 84 times of normal tap water)
4. Radioactive tap water - filtered (α=0.06)

Result : Comparison between sample 3 and 4 verified that, the filtering process had successfully removed over 99% of the radioactive elements from polluted tap water with 84 times higher than normal radioactivity. The radioactive contents of sample 4 was far lower than the maximum allowance (α=0.10 ; β=1.00) of the Malaysian National Guidelines for Drinking Watef Quality, and was completely safe & drinking.

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